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Yoga means union or oneness. It is the union of mind, breath and body.  Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years. 

Yoga is non - competitive. It is not about tying yourself in pretzel like knots.  No experience or flexibility is necessary to practice Yoga. The aim of Yoga is to calm the mind, tune in to the breath and open the heart. It is about listening to your body and recognising where you are today, at this moment. Right now.

Yoga uses asana (exercises) pranayama (breathing techniques) and meditation or nidra vidya/ yoga nidra (relaxation), to work towards balancing the body, mind and emotions. Yoga encourages an attitude of acceptance and compassion. 

Embodied Movement holds yoga classes in a peaceful, private studio in Waitoki Village. Waitoki is situated between Dairy flats and Kaukapakapa.  

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2021 Term 1


Yin and Tonic 

Sunday 7pm - 8pm 

Feb 14th - April 18th (9 class term) no class on Easter Sunday 4th April
Yin yoga can help to balance a more active yoga practice. It works the connective tissues, bones and ligaments, in particular those of the hips, lower spine and pelvis. Yin yoga poses (asana) are usually held for 3 - 5mins, so although it is suitable for most people it is a mediative, internal focused practice and can be mentally challenging due to the time spent in each pose. Yin and tonic combines yin held poses with gentle somatic movement to lengthen and unwind the body. 

Investment: Booked space for the term $130 or $17 casual *
Wear comfortable clothes you can stretch in and a pair of snuggly socks can be a nice addition.



General Yoga class, hatha and embodied flow.

Monday 7pm-8:30pm
Feb 8th - April 12th  (10 class term)

A 90min class consisting of hatha yoga asana, embodied flow, somatic movement, breath work and relaxation. 


Investment: Booked space for the term $ 145 or $17 casual *



General Yoga class, hatha and embodied flow.  
Thursday 7pm-8:30pm

Feb 11th - April 15th  (10 class term)

A 90min class consisting of hatha yoga asana, embodied flow, somatic movement, breath work and relaxation. 


Investment: Booked space for the term $ 145 or $17 casual *



*If you would like to attend casually, please text 021 132 7992 on the day of the class to confirm that there is a space available. Thank you.

Booking for the term secures you a regular place in that particular class.  If you are unable to attend and let me know in advance,  I offer the chance for you to make up that session by attending another class, when there is a space available. 'Make ups' need to be taken within the same term. If you can not make a session please let me know as soon as possible, so the space can be offered to someone needing a 'make up' class. I only offer refunds in exceptional circumstances. Thank you for your understanding. If you would like to attend casually, please text on the day to confirm that there is a space available.

In the unfortunate event of us moving into higher levels or into lock down again, I will do my best to honour my teaching commitments via zoom classes. In this case, if you have paid for the term you are welcome to attend all of the virtual classes on offer for no additional cost. 



Private classes.
These can be a worthwhile investment if you are just starting your yoga practice, if you have a particular focus or health concern or if you are interested in developing your practice further. 

Please contact me if you would like to discuss this option. 


 Please contact me to book a space or if you have any further questions - I would love to hear from you.
 021 132 7992

Thank you. 


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